Sales and support for THERMICAL OILOVEN in Smits Bakery Vosselaar(B)
VOSSELAAR . Bakker Smits convinced and professional baker decided after a thorough analysis to proceed with the purchase of a THERMAL OIL FURNACE delivered via Pinso and this for baking all its products. It was necessary to replace the older Ooms oven type Vesuvius . Working with only one type of oven , requires a lot of baker and oven . Restarting his bakery with the new Thermal oil oven and a new proofer retarder provided by KOMA, will help the baker to grow.
Pinso BENELUX sold the oven and guided the baker during his first production . A combination of craftsmanship of baker Wesley Smits and the long experience of Johan Demeyere on ovens and its use in the bakery , made a smooth start. The follow-up and fine tuning remains a part of our work . This reduces the time as necessary to optimise the new installation. Pinso is famous for delivering and implementing BAKERY TECHNOLOGY for small , medium and industrial companies .
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